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Computer Networks Questions and Answers

9. A modem is connected to
  • A. A telephone line
  • B. A keyboard
  • C. A printer
  • D. A monitor
Answer: A.
A telephone line
10. A popular way to learn about computers without ever going to a classroom is called
  • A. E-learning
  • B. Star network
  • C. I-learning
  • D. Close learning
Answer: A.
11. The collection of links throughout the Internet creates an interconnected network called the
  • A. WWW
  • B. Web
  • C. Wide Area Web
  • D. All of the above
Answer: D.
All of the above
12. Networks are monitored by security personnel and supervised by _____ who set(s) up accounts and passwords for authorized network users.
  • A. IT managers
  • B. The government
  • C. Password administrators
  • D. Network administrators
Answer: D.
Network administrators