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General Science Gk Questions

17. In which of following process light energy is converted into chemical energy?
  • A. Fermentation
  • B. Photorespiration
  • C. Photosynthesis
  • D. Respiration
Answer: C.
18. The theory of jumping genes was propounded by
  • A. Gregor Johann Mandel
  • B. Thomas Hunt Morgan
  • C. Barbara Mc Clintock
  • D. Watson and Crick
Answer: C.
Barbara Mc Clintock
19. At hills, water boils at a temperature of
  • A. 100°C
  • B. Above 100°C
  • C. Below 100°C
  • D. None of these
Answer: C.
Below 100°C
20. The heater element in an electric stove is made of
  • A. Copper
  • B. Platinum
  • C. Tungsten
  • D. Nichrome
Answer: C.