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Indian Geography Gk Questions

25. Diamond is an allotropic form of
  • A. Silicon
  • B. Carbon
  • C. Sulphur
  • D. Germanium
Answer: B.
26. Machkunda hydro electric project is a joint venture of the states of
  • A. West Bengal and Orissa
  • B. Orissa and Andhra Pradesh
  • C. Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
  • D. Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh
Answer: B.
Orissa and Andhra Pradesh
27. Which city in India is the largest according to 1991 census?
  • A. Delhi
  • B. Bombay
  • C. Madras
  • D. Calcutta
Answer: B.
28. From which mineral is radium obtained?
  • A. Pitchblende
  • B. Rutile
  • C. Haematite
  • D. Limestone
Answer: A.