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Datastage Interview Questions and Answers

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11. What is the difference between DataStage and Informatica?
  • DataStage support parallel processing which Informatica doesn’t.
  • Links are object in the DataStage ,in Informatica it’s a port to port connectivity.
  • In Informatica its easy to implement Slowly Changing Dimensions which is little bit complex in dataStage.
  • DataStage doesn’t support complete error handling.
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12. What is data aggregation?
  An operational data source usually contains records of individual transactions such as product sales. If the user of a data warehouse only needs a summed total, you can reduce records to a more manageable number by aggregating the data.
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13. What are the types of server components?
  • Repository
  • Datastage Server
  • Datastage Package Installer
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14. What is datastage job?
  DataStage jobs consist of individual stages. Each stage describes a particular database or process. For example, one stage may extract data from a data source, while another transforms it. Stages are added to a job and linked together using the designer.
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15. What are the types of stage?
  A stage can be passive or active. A passive stage handles access to databases for the extraction or writing of data. Active stages model the flow of data and provide mechanisms for combining data streams, aggregating data, and converting data from one data type to another. There are two types of stage :
Built in stages : Supplied with DataStage and used for extracting, aggregating, transforming, or writing data.
Plug in stages : Additional stages defined in the DataStage Manager to perform tasks that the built-in stages do not support.
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