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5. What are Query Processing Types?
    There are two types of query processing.
  • Limited Local: The database server does as much of the SQL processing and Execution as possible. However, some reports or report sections use local SQL processing.
  • Database only: The database server does all the SQL processing and execution with the exception of tasks not supported by the database. An error appears if any reports of report sections require local SQL processing.
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6. What are the User Interface Components?
  • Cognos Connection
  • Report Studio
  • Query Studio
  • Frame work manager
  • Cognos configuration
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7. Define Cognos Report Net?
  Cognos Report Net is the web-based, dynamic, business intelligence reporting solution from Cognos.
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8. What are the phases of the Cognos ReportNet Workflow?
  • Plan
  • Manage
  • Model
  • Author
  • Consume
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