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Sentence Completion Questions with Answers

1. Any political leader who allows nepotism to flourish should be subject, to ___
  • A. condemnation
  • B. punishment
  • C. stricture
  • D. autopsy
Answer: A.
2. ____ diseases spread like wild ___
  • A. Minor, breeze
  • B. Fatal, wind
  • C. Contagious, fire
  • D. Contagious, flames
Answer: C.
Contagious, fire
3. During the ____ many buildings were ____ to the ground.
  • A. floods, razed
  • B. fire, razed
  • C. disturbances, brought
  • D. riots collapsed
Answer: B.
fire, razed
4. Prices keep on going ___ these days, and never move ____
  • A. above, below
  • B. high, low
  • C. up, underneath
  • D. up, downward
Answer: D.
up, downward