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Crossword Puzzles in Maths with answers

25. What is the missing number in the last circle. What is that number?
Ans: 3.
The missing number is 3. The sum of the bottom two numbers in each circle is one half the number at the top of the circle.
26. The average of three numbers is 48. The average of two of these numbers is 56%. What is the third number?
Ans: 32.
The total of three numbers must be 48 x 3 = 144. The total of two numbers must be 56 x 2 = 112.
Therefore, 144 - 112 = 32.
27. What number should logically replace the question mark?
Ans: 9.
The center number is the product of the upper left, upper right and lower right numbers, divided by the lower left number.