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Physics Questions and Answers

5. 1 H.P equals
  • A. 500 watts
  • B. 647 watts
  • C. 746 watts
  • D. 1000 watts
Answer: C.
746 watts
6. The unit of potential difference is
  • A. Ohm
  • B. Ampere
  • C. Volt
  • D. Ohm meter
Answer: C.
7. Protons and neutrons in the nucleus are called as
  • A. Nucleus
  • B. Electron
  • C. Nucleons
  • D. Positron
Answer: C.
8. Electrolytes are usually in the form of
  • A. Solids
  • B. Gases
  • C. Liquids
  • D. Plasma
Answer: C.