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41. What is the difference between singly linked list and double linked list?
singly linked list double linked list
Singly linked list is a collection of nodes and each node is having one data field and next link field. Doubly linked list is a collection of nodes and each node is having one data field, one previous link field and one next link field.
The elements can be accessed using next link. The elements can be accessed using both previous link as well as next link.
No extra field is required; hence node takes less memory in SLL. One field is required to store previous link hence node takes more memory in DLL.
Less efficient access to elements. More efficient access to elements.
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42. What is a data type?
  A data type is a term which refers to the kinds of data that variables may hold in the programming language. There are two types of data types are :
  • Built in data type
  • User defined data type
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43. What are the different kinds of search algorithms available?
  Search algorithms can be classified based on the approach used in searching values. For example, sequential, binary and hashing. If the algorithm does the search sequentially by traversing the elements in the data structure, it is a sequential. If it does it by traversing by recursively dividing the search space into two (as in binary search), it is binary. If hashing is done to find the element in the underlying data structure.
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44. What is an ADT?
  Abstract Data Type (ADT) refers to a structure with a set of operations defined on it. The internal implementation details of the structure are typically irrelevant and the ADT is described by the functionality (operations) it provides.
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45. What are two main ways to traverse a graph?
  Breadth First Search (BFS)
Depth First Search (DFS) are the two ways to traverse a graph.
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