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41. What namespace does the Web page belong in the .NET Framework class hierarchy?
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42. What is managed code?
  Managed code is the code that is executed directly by the CLR. The applications created by using managed code automatically have CLR services, such as type checking, security, and automatic garbage collection.
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43. What is the difference between Authentication and Authorization?
  Authentication is the process of identifying users. Authentication is identifying/validating the user against the credentials (username and password) and Authorization performs after authentication. Authorization is the process of granting access to those users based on identity. Authorization allowing access of specific resource to user.
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44. What are the types of Authentication?
    There are two types of authentication are
  • Windows authentication
  • Forms authentication
  • Passport authentication
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45. What is the differences between dataset.clone and dataset.copy?
  • Dataset.clone copies just the structure of dataset (including all the datatables, schemas, relations and constraints.); however it doesn't copy the data.
  • Dataset.copy, copies both the dataset structure and the data.
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